By Leo Raab on 6/1/2015 12:00 AM
Food Pharm Diet

Weck Laboratories has expanded the suite of tests offered for contaminants in food products including produce, fish tissue, pharmaceutical formulations, nutritional supplements and raw materials.

By Leo Raab on 12/1/2013 12:00 AM
  • Drinking Water - removal of disinfection byproducts, organic contaminants, taste & odor producing compounds
  • Food & Beverage - removal of impurities, color & odor from water, syrups, additives, alcohols, glycerin, etc.
  • Wastewater Treatment - for control of airborne odor and removal of waterborne organics & toxicity
  • Industrial processes - purification, separation or concentration of reagents, antibiotics, vitamins, petrochemicals
  • Personal Protection - from exposure to solvents, pesticides and other industrial chemicals in the workplace
  • Metals Recovery - mercury removal from power plant flue gas streams; recovery of precious metals, rare earths and base metals in mining operations
By Leo Raab on 7/13/2010 4:25 PM

Weck Laboratories acquires Agilent Technologies new 7000B Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS/MS), delivering high confidence in ultra-trace level results, while shortening analysis times for target compounds in complex samples. The 7000B provides femtogram-level sensitivity for analyses such as pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, pyrethroids, THC, and steroids in food, environmental, pharmaceutical, and forensic matrices. Advanced GC and MS/MS technologies translate into everyday high performance. MS/MS techniques are most often cited for consistent, ultra-low detection limits with very complex sample matrices...

By Leo Raab on 7/13/2010 4:07 PM

Weck Laboratories acquires Pickering Lab's GPC ULTRA. The ULTRA automates Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) sample concentration for the clean-up of complex animal tissues, food products, and environmental samples. The high recoveries and concentrated samples are easily analyzed by GC, GC-MS, HPLC or LC-MS. GPC is a well-known technology for the removal of fats, proteins, and other large bio-molecules from samples in order to prevent interfer¬ence in the analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, PCBs, antibiotics, mycotoxins, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and other semi-volatile compounds. Ideally suited for high-throughput laboratories requiring reliability and reproducibility, the GPC ULTRA is optimized for unattended operation, low maintenance, and consistent recoveries.

By Leo Raab on 4/1/2009 4:00 AM
Melamine and cyanuric acid are nitrogen rich compounds which have been used as adulterants in a means to artificially inflate the protein content in imported food products. When found individually, melamine and cyanuric acid are not toxic; however, when combined in the bloodstream, they accumulate in the kidneys and form very large insoluble crystals (melamine cyanurate), which in turn can lead to renal failure and ultimately, death...
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